Vremenska prognoza – Zenica

Trenutno vrijeme Additional Data
Zenica, BA
16:44, сеп 20, 2024
weather icon 17°C
Low: 17° High: 17°
overcast clouds
Vlažnost vazduha 91 %
Pritisak 1020 mb
Vjetar 7 Km/h NNE
Udari vjetra 11 Km/h
UV Index 0
Precipitation 0 mm
Šanse za kišu 0%
Vidljivost 10 km
Izlazak sunca 06:33
Zalazak sunca 18:50
Daily Forecast
Vremenski uslovi Comport Precipitation
Dan Vremenske prilike Temperatura Količina Šanse za kišu Vjetar Vlažnost vazduha Pritisak
weather icon light rain
13° | 17°°C 1 mm 100% 7 Km/h 94 % 1021 mb
weather icon clear sky
11° | 22°°C 0 mm 0% 11 Km/h 95 % 1023 mb
сеп 22
weather icon clear sky
11° | 24°°C 0 mm 0% 6 Km/h 91 % 1023 mb
сеп 23
weather icon scattered clouds
13° | 25°°C 0 mm 0% 6 Km/h 93 % 1018 mb
сеп 24
weather icon light rain
13° | 23°°C 0.28 mm 28% 7 Km/h 85 % 1016 mb
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